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Welcome to the FedUpward podcast, where federal civil servants can find inspiration, motivation and practical tips to survive the bureaucracy. Join the community to share best practices and strategies so we can all do our jobs better, serve our agencies and departments well and do our best for citizens.

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Jul 27, 2024

Raymond Limon, vice chair of the Merit Systems Protection Board (MPSB) joined me on the show to discuss what the MPSB is, what it does and why it matters. If you havent' taken training on this recently, tune in for a refresher.

He also surprised me  by administering the oath of office as a way to celebrate my new federal job!

If you need a refresher on the merit systems principles and prohibited practices:

Find merit systems principles here.

Find prohibited practices here.

And if you REALLY want to dig in, check out Biography of an Ideal: the Hstory of the Federal Civil Serivce.