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Welcome to the FedUpward podcast, where federal civil servants can find inspiration, motivation and practical tips to survive the bureaucracy. Join the community to share best practices and strategies so we can all do our jobs better, serve our agencies and departments well and do our best for citizens.

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Nov 1, 2022

Consumers' Checkbook, a non-profit organization that helps youi make better financial decisions, offers a fantastic tool to compare FEHB plans. With open season coming mid-November, you should explore changes to your current plan, what other plans offer, and how much premiums are changing (spoiler - rate increases are NOT uniform across plans). Kevin Moss explains how you can leverage the tool and save a few dollars using a code available only to FedUpward listeners. The comparison tool will be available in the next week. Right now, you can check out the website and sign up to use it as soon as it's available.