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Welcome to the FedUpward podcast, where federal civil servants can find inspiration, motivation and practical tips to survive the bureaucracy. Join the community to share best practices and strategies so we can all do our jobs better, serve our agencies and departments well and do our best for citizens.

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Aug 25, 2022

SOOO excited to welcome Rob Seidner back to the podcast. While working at the Office of Management and Budget, he explained how the rules for civil service really suck. The history lesson helped us understand WHY they suck.You can listen to that episode at this link.

Rob recently transitioned to a job outside...

Aug 24, 2022

The Federal Training Academy, a company dedicated to your learning, offers tailored training, consulting, and coaching to federal agencies and departments. Angela Kochuba, the founder and managing director, created the organization in 1999 and never looked back. Grounded in public service, she offers a long list...

Aug 22, 2022

Do you hear the outrageous accusations against federal employees just doing their jobs (think IRS, FBI right now) and think, "I really wish someone was sticking up for them!" The Professional Managers Association (PMA) does just that. Executive Director Chad Hooper shared thoughts on what the PMA is and how they...

Aug 7, 2022

Your TSP statement making you cry? I talked to certified financial planner Brian Sigwart about the long-term outlook and new funds available for us to choose.

Need personalized advice? You can contact Brian here:

Brian Sigwart CFP® , RICP ®

