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Welcome to the FedUpward podcast, where federal civil servants can find inspiration, motivation and practical tips to survive the bureaucracy. Join the community to share best practices and strategies so we can all do our jobs better, serve our agencies and departments well and do our best for citizens.

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Jul 8, 2021

Dr. Jean Kanokogi, PhD, Director of Mental Health & Peer Support Services at the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, and a current federal employee, joined me to talk about her work to support feds' mental health. She supports federal law enforcement officer resiliency and creates resources to support their mental health. Learn more about the legislation she's currently championing and her work for FLEOA here:

You can find her recently published book at the link below. Her book, Get Up and Fight, honors her mother, Rusty Kanokogi, who's known as the mother of women's judo.